Monday, August 11, 2008

Olvera Street & China Town - Part One

Last month myself and two friends took a train into Los Angeles and then an urban hike through Olvera Street and on through China Town. Our main interest was photography and exploration as none of us had wandered around in China Town and all had an interest. It was an exciting, exhausting and interesting few hours.
Starting with Olvera Street, the culture is overwhelming, and I found it very similar to walking through an indoor mall in Tijuana. What struck me the most were the colors everywhere. I was hopeful that my "from the hip" shooting was capturing what I was seeing. I did not want to draw attention to those around that I was taking photos as I did wanted to capture as much of what I was seeing - as I was seeing it.
This last image was taken of the foilage around a fountain on the outside of Olvera Street and filtered through Photoshop Lightroom to simulate infra-red.
I will follow this blog entry with the first part of my China Town experience which rendered a lot more photo opportunities.

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